量词【liàng cí】 Kata satuan dalam mandarin / Chinese language Measure words / Quantifier / Collective Noun
For animals especially small animals, zhī 只 is used. For example:
Yì Zhī Gǒu 一只狗 one dog
sì zhī niǎo 四只鸟 four birds
wǔ zhī jī 五只鸡 five chickens
For books, magazine, běn 本 is used. For example:
liǎng běn shū 两本书 two books
Sān Běn ZáZhì 三本杂志 three magazines
For papers, that is zhāng 张. For example:
liù zhāng zhǐ 六张纸 six pieces of paper
qī zhāng piào 七张票 seven tickets
For person, city, country, we use gè 个. For example:
shí gè rén 十个人 ten people
Liǎng Gè GuóJiā 两个国家 two countries
For water,milk... bēi 杯 or píng 瓶is commonly used. For example:
liù bēi shuǐ 六杯水 six cups of water
Wǔ Ping GuǒZhī五瓶果汁 five bottles of juice
For chairs, toothbrushes, rulers, we use bǎ 把. For example:
Jiǔ Bǎ ChíZi 九把尺子 nine rulers.
Shí Bǎ YáShuā 十把牙刷 ten toothbrushes.
For watches,or something with the shape like soap or bar, we use kuài 块. For example:
Shíèr Kuài ShǒuBiǎo 十二块手表 twelve watches
Wǔ Kuài FéiZào 五块肥皂 five bars of soap
Liǎng Kuài QiǎoKèLì 两块巧克力 two bars of chocolate
For things in the bags, we use bāo包. For example:
yì bāo táng 一包糖 one package of sugar
liǎng bāo mǐ 两包米 two bags of rice