
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Soal UN Bahasa Inggris Try out 1 , 2016

Soal try out Bahasa Inggris try out 1, 2016.
The text is for questions no 1-2

 To the manager of Taco Tacontento:
I am writing to bring a serious issue I had in your establishment last week to your attantion. I ordered a vegetarian bean burrito, and halfway through my meal, I bit into what turned out to be a chicken bone.
I am vegetarian, and the presence of bone in my burrito was jarring. I showed the bone to the staff, who offered to make me a new burrito with the same beans the bone presumably came from. I did not want to risk eating any meat or finding another bone, so I asked for a taco salad instead.
I am a regular customer at your restourant, and I have never had any problems with your food in the past. While I am relatively certain this was a fluke, I am still concered about how the bone got into the beans. I would like to know how this might have happened.
I am also concerned with the lack of understanding I receved from the staff member who helped me. I don’t know if she was working alone or merely misunderstood my request, but she refused to let me speak to her supervisor while I was in the restaurant. I felt she acted unprofessionally.
I hope to hear back from you about this incident. I can be reached by phone at (555) 867-5309 at any time of by email at

1.      The text is about ...
A.  inquiry             B. complaint              C. application           D. order        E. reservation
2.      What was the writer concerned about?
A.   the cheated restaurant                                                  D. a wrong food
B.   bone in burrito                                                              E. non-vegetarian taco
C.   unversed taco

The text is for questions no 3-4

Subject: computer training
I am attaching the latest schedule from the Computer Training Center. As we have discussed in person, your computer skills are not quite up to normal and you would benefit from taking one of these courses. We also discussed the fact your first-year employee probationary status is still in effect and that you are required to take some training courses during this time. Please sign up for one of these courses as soon as possible. I would encourage you to choose a beginning word processing class, as you( skills in that area are whole fully lacking. You have a good knowledge of database software, though you could benefit from an advanced-level class if that is what interests you most. The choice, of course, is up to you, but I recommend word processing. In choosing your class schedule, please remember that you must be present at our weekly stall meetings (Wednesday afternoon at 2:001. As soon as you have decided on a cause and schedule, please cont.t Elizabeth Mortimer In the Human Resources Department and She will take care, the registration process for you. Went NZ, Inc. will, of course, take care of all the fees. All you have to dolt attend the classes Please e-mail me as soon as you are registered for a course.
Sam Silliman

3.      The company suggested that Marvin take a computer course in order ...
A.   to be promoted as director of the center                D. to meet qualification it requires
B.   to handle the computer training center                  E. to support his performance in the center
C.   to undertake his probationary period in the company
4.      Marvin will register for the class by ....
A.   talking with the human resources officer                D. visiting the training center website
B.   calling the training center                                       E. e-mailing sam siliman
C.   meeting siliman

The text is for questions no 5-7

J.P. As many as 180 students participated in a flash mob at Jl. HR Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, to raise awareness about enviromental issue, on Sunday.
During the flash mob, titled "One Man, One Tumbler", the students taught the onlookers about the need to reduce the us-age of plastic bottles by using tumblers.
The participants, a mix of high school students and college students, danced, as part of a series of shows called "Eco Ways for the Future" (Ecoture) that promote environmental awareness.
"Ecoture aims to show how important it is to protect the environment. It also wants to provide information about recyclable products that are of value," said Kartika Nindya, Ecoture's coordinator, on Sunday, as quoted by
"At the end of today's ceremonies, we will create petition to show the commitment for young people to become environmental heroes," Nindya said.
Ecoture previously held a giveaway of 2,000 plants on March 25, during car-free day at Jl. Thamrin in Central Jakarta.

5.    What is the text about?
A.   plastic bottles                                                               D. recyclable products
B.   a students' flash mob                                                     E. students' ceremony
C.   awareness of environmental issues
6. What did the students do in the flash mob?
A.   they raised awareness of the onlookers.
B.   they encouraged the use of tumblers.
C.   they reduced the use of plastic bottles.
D.   they asked high school students to par-ticipate.
E.    they taught the onlookers about recy-clable products.
7. "... the need to reduce the usage of plastic bottles by using tumblers." (Paragraph 2). The underlined word can be best replaced by ....
A.   ban              B. eliminate              C. remove                 D. shorten                    E. minimize

The text is for questions no 8-10

Messi was born in Rosario, Santa Fe Province, to parents Jorge Horacio Messi, a factory steel worker, and Celia Maria Cuccittini, a part-time cleaner. His paternal family originates from the Italian city of Ancona, from which his ancestor, Angelo Messi, im-migrated to Argentina in 1883. He has two older brothers, Rodrigo and Matias, and a sister, Maria Sol. At the age of five, Messi started playing football for Grabdoli, a local club coached by his father Jorge.
At the age of 11, Messi was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency. Local power house River Plate showed interest in Messi's progress, but were not willing to pay for treatment for his condition, which cost $900 a month. Carlos Rexach, the sporting director of FC Barcelona, was made aware of his talent as Messi and his father were able to arrange a trial with the team. Rexach, with no other paper at hand, offered Messi a contract written on paper napkin. Barcelona offered to pay Messi's medical bills on the condition that he moved to Spain.
At the age of 13, Messi and his father moved to Barcelona. In the new country Messi was offered the chance to train soccer power house at FC Barcelona's youth academy, La Masia.
Although he was often homesick in his new country, Messi moved quickly through the junior system ranks, and by the age of 16, he had made his first appearance for Barcelona. Messi put himself in the record book on May 1ST, 2005, as the youngest player to everyone score a goal for the fran-chise. That same year, he led Argentina to the title in the under-20 World Cup, scoring on a pair of penalty kicks to proped theteam over Nigeria.

8.     According to the text, Carlos Rexach ...
A.   played with messi in river plate club               D. offered messi to play with his team
B.   rejected to pay messi’s disease treatment        E. joined messi’s father to train some players
C.   diagnosed clearly about messi’s disease
9. The main idea of paragraph two is …
A.   the sporting director of fc barcelona was aware of messi's talent
B.   Carlos rexach paid messi's medical bill
C.   river plate wanted to pay messi's medi-cal bill
D.   Messi suffered from a growth hormone dificiency
E.    local power house river plate was sur-prised to see messi's progress

10.  “... and by the age of 16, he had made his first appearance for Barcelona."(Paragraph 4)
the underlined word is closest in meaning to ...
A.   act                    B. play             C. mark            D. debut                       E. impression

The text is for questions no 11-14

All human beings eat food and make use of the chemical energy in it, so do all other animals. Perhaps you wonder where all that chemical energy comes from. Why doesn't the food all get used up?
The answer is that new food is being grown as fast as old food is used up. It is the green plants that form the new food. Animals either eat the plants or eat other animals that have eaten plants.
The green substance of plants is chlorophyll. Chlorophyll can absorb sunlight. When it does so, it changes the energy of the sun into chemical energy. The chemical energy present in sunlit chlorophyll is used to combine dioxide in the air with water from the soil. Starch and other complicated com-pounds are formed. These are high in chemical energy obtained from the sunlit chlorophyll.
They make up the food on which man-kind and all other animals live. In the process of forming this food, some oxygen atoms are left over. These are given off into the air by the plants. The whole process is called photosynthesis.
Thus, plants use sunlight to form food and oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water again. Plants change the sun's energy into chemical energy. And animals change the animal energy into kinetic and heat energy.

11.  The text is about ...
A.   the process of changing chemical energy                     D. the formation of carbon dioxide
B.   the green substance of plants                                       E. the process of photosyntesis
C.   the use of chemical energy
12.  What will happen when the chlorophyll ab-sorbs sunlight? It will ....
A.   change heat into kinetic energy                                                D. form complicated compound
B.   change kinetic energy into chemical energy                 E. make use of heat energy
C.   change the sun's energy into chemical energy
13.   From the text we know that …
A.   plants need to heat energy to live
B.   all human beings need chemical energy
C.   plants absorb sunlight to produce kinetic energy
D.   chlorophyll is the most important thing in photosyntesis
E.    sun's energy cannot be formed into ki-netic energy
14.  The green substance in plants is chlorophyll.
The underlined word in the above sentence is closest in meaning to ...
A.  core                  B. body            C. stuff                         D. essence                  E. material

The text is for questions no 15-17

Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrews-bury, England, on February 12, 1809. he came from a wealthy family and never had to work. He studied medicine and theology.
In 1831 he graduated from University of Cambridge with a degree of theology. He began a career as a scientist quite by chance. On December 27, 1831, 22 years old Charles Darwin joined the crew of the HMS Beagle as a naturalist. The five years expedition collected hydro graphic, geologic, and meteorologic data from South America and many other regions around the world. Darwin‟s own observation on this voyage led to his theory of natural selection.Charles Darwin was greatly influenced by the geologist Adam Edgewise and naturalist John Henslow in his development of the theory of natural selection, which was to become the foundation concept supporting the theory of evolution. Darwin „s theory holds that environmental effect lead to varying degrees of reproductive success in individuals and groups of organisms. Natural selection tends to promote adaption in organisms when necessary for survival. This revolutionary theory was published in 1859 in Darwin‟s now famous On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
15.  Charles Darwin's theory of evolution believed that ....
A.   people could defend themselves naturally
B.   environment affected natural election
C.   organism needed adaptation to survive
D.   people and nature supported to each other
E.    natural selection tend to adapt organism to survive
16.  How W as Darwin's theory of natural selec-tion developed?
A.     adapted by the necessary for survival                        D. influenced by his collection
B.     supported the effect of environment                           E. influenced by john henslow
C.     affected by groups of organisms
17.  The famous Darwin theory was published based on ...
A.     theories developed by other scientists
B.     the influence of organisms adaptation in survival living
C.     the success of his observation supported by geologist and naturalist
D.     his expedition and natural observation data a scientist
E.      the observation of other geologists natural selection

The text is for questions no 18-21

A geyser is the result of underground water under the combined conditions of high temperatures and Increased pressure beneath the surface of the earth. Since temperature rises approximately 10ºF for every sixty feet under the earth's surface, and pres-sure increases with depth, the water that seeps down in crack and fissures until it reaches very hot rock In the earth interior becomes heated to temperature In excess of 290°F. Because of the greater pressure, the water shoots out of the surface in the form of steam and hot water , The result is a geyser . In order to function, then a geyser must have a source of heat, reservoir where water can be stored until the temperature rises to an unstable point, an opening through which the hot water and steam can escape, and underground channels for resupplying water after an eruption.
Favourable conditions for geyser exist in some regions of the world Including New Zealand, Iceland, and the Yellowstone National Park area of the United States. The most famous geyser in the world is Old Faith-full in Yellow Park. Old Faithful' erupts almost every hour, rising to a height of 125 to 170 feet and expelling more than ten thousand gallons during each eruption.

18.  Steam and hot water shoot out of the surface because of....
A.  hot lock and water                                                       D. temperature and pressure
B.   greater pressure                                                           E. high temperature and increased pressure
C.   underground temperature and increased pressure
19.  "... and expelling more than ten thousand gallons (during each eruption." (Paragraph 2) The under - lined word is closest in meaning to ....
A.     heating                  B. melting               C. wasting        D. supplying           E. discharging
20.  How geyser is produced?
A.   by the rise of temperature pressure functioning hot steam
B.   from a huge tension of heated water that coming out from the earth crack
C.   from the heated temperature in earth crack that absorbing water
D.   from the temperature and absorbed wa-ter that occurs on earth surface
E.    by the hot water and temperature of hot rock that occurs on earth surface

The text is for questions no 21-23

 Faster planes and cheaper flights are making it easier than ever before for people to travel. In the most 'developed societies, visiting exotic places is a sought-after status symbol. The tourism Industries of both developed a. developing countries have recognised this fact a. are learning to take advantage of it.
There are, however. some problems associate with this new industry. F1r500. there is the Increasing crime rate. Some locals see tourists as an easy prey because, not only a. they in unfamiliar territory and therefore less able to take care of themselves, hut also they carry visible items of weal., such as cameras and jewelry which can be disposed of Quickly for Profit.
Another major problem is health. With greater mobility comes greater danger of spreading contagious diseases around the world. One carrier returning home could easily start an epidemic before their illness was diagnosed. Moreover, the emergence of many diseases which resist antibiotics Is re-using scientists to be Increasingly concerned about this issue.
Also to be considered is the natural environment, which can be seriously threatened by too many visitors. Australia's Great Barrier Reef, for example, is In danger of being destroyed by tourists and there are plans to restrict visitors to some of the more delicate coral cays These are just three of the reasons why any country should be wary of commit-ting itself to an extensive tourism development program.

21.  Why does the natural environment become one of the serious problem associated with the faster planes and cheaper flight? Because ....
A.     it easily started an epidemic before their illness was diagnosed
B.     it can be destroyed by too many visitors
C.     the health problem will increase
D.     they carry visible Items of wealth
E.      it can Increase crime rate
22.  Why is the crime rate increasing due to the new industry?
A.   some tourists carry visible items of wealth.
B.   the tourists are spreading contagious diseases
C.   the government is planning to restrict visitors to some coral cays
D.   the new industry makes the number of unemployment increase
E.    the tourists come by plane
23.  "One carrier returning home could easily start an epidemic before theit illness was diagnosed." (Paragraph 3) The underlined word means ....
A.     found               B. observed                 C. identified                 D. examined                E. healed

The text is for questions no 24

Part of the decision to live the homeschooling lifestyle should include weighing the pros and cons of homeschooling. Those who flavor homeschooling state that it is educational freedom. Most home schooled students have the choice to study and learn what they want, when they want, for as long as they want. With your lives no longer revolving around school hours, homework and the school calendar, your family can plan off-season vacations, visit parks and museums during the week, and live your lives according to what works for you. Next, it is certainly emotional freedom. Sadly, peer pressure, competition, boredom, and bullies  are all part of a typical school day. Home schooled kids can dress, act, and think the way they want, without fear of ridicule or a need to "fit in". But, the opponents are of different views. Homeschooling is time restraints. Homeschooling can be a full-time job unto itself. It takes research, preparation, time to set up, clean-up, organisation, and of course, teaching itself. This is a lot to do on top of other work, be that a job outside the home, or all that goes with running a family. It also has financial restraints. Financial restraints. For married parents, one partner often foregoes full-time employment out of the home in order to home school. This can be a big sacrifice for families who are struggling to balance their budget.

24.  Parents prefer homeschooling to conventional education as ...
A.     homeschooling frees children from physical, mental, and emotional pres-sures
B.     conventional schooling takes up sizeable time and money of parents
C.     formal education tends to put more emphasis on academic learning
D.     homescheoled children's talent can’t be more optimally developed
E.      children educated formally tend to develop violence

The text is for questions no 25

Climate change is the consequence of unchecked pollution. When carbon emissions caused by human activity enters the air they have dangerous effects on the environment, the economy, and our well being. But just as humans cause it, we can stop its progress. Climate change is caused by trapping excess carbon in Earth's atmosphere. This trapped carbon pollution heats up, altering the Earth's climate patterns. The
largest source of this pollution is the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil for energy. While carbon has entered the atmosphere for millions of years through natural events such as forest fires and volcanoes, the burning of fossil fuels and the clearing of land have resulted in the highest levels of greenhouse pollution in our atmosphere in the last 800,000 years. The Earth's atmosphere has evolved to retain sufficient warmth from the sun to encourage a healthy, dynamic ecosystem, while shielding us from its harsher effect. The introduction of huge amounts of excess pollutants thickens this blanket of protective gases, causing heat to remain trapped within, rather than harmlessly escaping skywards. These gases can remain in our atmosphere for up to 90 years, contributing to long-term warming.

25.  What is the topic of the text?
A.     processes in the event of greenhouse pollution.
B.     relationships between pollution and climate.
C.     effect of air pollution on the atmos-phere
D.     meanings of global warming.
E.      causes of climate change.

The text is for questions no 26-27

Solar energy is becoming a popular energy source due to the fact that it is the most abundant and most cost effective energy source on the planet. Solar energy is created when the power of the sun is harnessed in order to produce energy. Since the 1950’s, solar energy is used to create sources of power to fuel technology, homes, and many businesses. Because technology is evolving at the speed of light, solar energy is becoming more proficient as an energy source and recognised as a feasible alternative to fossil fuels.
Today’s technology allows for the harnessing of solar energy through cells known as solar cells. These are also called photovoltaic cells. Photovoltaic cells are placed in direct sunlight and as the sun hits these cells, a chemical reaction takes place to produce electric currents. These currents are, then, converted into electricity that can be used to power everyday items or even households.
Solar energy is classified as either active solar energy or passive solar energy. Panels and solar cells are not used in passive solar energy, but structures or buildings will be constructed in a way to capture the sun’s power through the use of windows or tanks. These systems will, then, heat homes or water, but can not be converted into actual electricity.
Active solar energy is just the opposite. Solar panels or solar cells will be used to capture the sun’s energy. The panels or cells are placed in a way that they will maximise the sun’s exposure. The sun’s energy is, then, converted into direct or alternate current electricity which is, then, stored into batteries. In some cases, the electricity will be fed into a grid system of a utility plant when larger amounts of energy are needed.

26.  Based on the text above, we infer that . . . .
      A. people use solar energy only for their research
      B. sun’s energy is the least useful than other energies
      C. solar energy is a source of energy used in daylight only
      D. active solar energy is as not important as the passive one
      E. solar energy can replace fossil fuel as the major energy source
27.   “The sun’s energy is, then, convertedinto direct or alternate current electricity….”
                The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
       A. disclosed                                                                                            D. moved
       B. changed                                                                                             E. entered
       C. denoted

The text is for questions 28 to 30, complete the following paragraph with the correct words provided!

Among the pre-Colombian cultures of the New World the civilisations of Mesoamerica-the region from Mexico south to Guatemala and Honduras- were unique in their possession of a true form of writing: a series of hieroglyphs arranged in vertical column and in many instances combined with numerals. The glyphs were at least (28) … related to a spoken language. Although there were many regional (29) …, the four major systems were those of Maya of shouter. Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras, of the Aztec of central Mexico and of the  Mixtec and Zapotec of southern Mexico.
            Of the four Zapotec system was the oldest. It (30) … perhaps as early as 600 B.C. in the valley of Oaxaca, some 550 kilometres south of Mexico City.
(Taken from Zapotec Writing by Joyce Marcus, 1980)
      A. coincidently
      B. indulgently
      C. indirectly
      D. straightly
      E. directly

      A. sites
      B. positions
      C. situations
      D. locations
      E. variations

      A. stated
      B. asserted
      C. appeared
      D. expressed
      E. exclaimed