
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Announcement text: Multicultural Education of Indonesia in Surabaya

Soal Latihan Ujian Nasional Beserta jawaban:

“Multicultural Education of Indonesia in Surabaya” is proud to present Ms. Jane Batubara, a well-known educator and researcher in multiculturalism. She was appointed Principal of Jasmine International School in 2014, and since then she has conducted many studies on multiculturalism in formal education. Ms. Batubara will be in Surabaya on the 1st  and 2nd of August 2015 to talk on “Multicultural Education for the Youth.”
 During the talk, the participants will be provided with information on how to:
a.   Obtain a wholly approach to multicultural education.
b.   Teach the youth to appreciate differences
Registration for the talk is FREE
Please call Rina at (031) 715632 for seat reservation.
1.The text aims to....
A.   conduct multicultural studies                        
B.   promote jasmine international school       
C.   invite as many participants as possible to a seminar
D. introduce multicultural education
E. provide information about multiculturalism
2. Which is NOT TRUE about Ms. Jane Batubara?
A.   she is an event organizer                                              D. she is a school principal
B.   she is a researcher                                                         E. she is an educator
C.   she is speaker
3. a well-known educator and researcher in multiculturalism....”
   The synonym of the underlined word is....
A.   good                B. outstanding              C. similar             D. isolated            E. introvert