
Sunday, December 4, 2016

Narrative text : Farmer and the tramp

Soal Latihan Ujian Nasional Beserta jawaban:

One day, a farmer, who was well- known in his village as a very mean man, said “I will give three meals and twenty five pence to anyone who is willing to do a day’s work for me. This offer was accepted by a hungry tramp, who was more interested in the meals than the money. “ You can have your breakfast first”, said the farmer, “and then you can start work”. After the farmer had given him a very small breakfast, he said, “Now you can have your dinner. This will save us a lot of time.” The tramp agreed, and ate poor dinner. When he had finished, the farmer said, “What would you say to having supper also while you are about it?” “I will try”, replied the tramp, “to enjoy another meal”. Then he had his supper, which again was not a very filling meal. When it was over, the farmer looked very pleased and said, “Now you can do a long day’s work”. “No, thank you”, was the tramp’s reply, as he rose to leave, “I never work after supper!”

1.    What is a ‘tramp’ according to the passage?
A.  a person who works for a farmer           D. a homeless person going from place to place
B.   a very hungry person                             E. a person who is interested in farming
C.   one who needs a job
2.    “While you are about it?” means....
A.  while the tramp is working                    D. when the tramp is at his farm
B.   if the tramp is still hungry                     E. while the tramp is eating
C.   when the tramp begins to work
3.    Which of these statements is TRUE according to the text?
A.  the farmer was a generous man.              
B. the tramp started to work after eating supper.
C.   the tramp enjoyed the meal very much.    
D.   the tramp could eat three meals because none of them was big.
E. the farmer wanted to help the tramp.
4.    From the text, we can learn that....
A.  the farmer was generous.                                             D. the meals were delicious.
B.   the tramp was cleverer than the farmer.                       E. the farmer was clever.
C.   the supper made the tramp sleepy.