
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Duel Otak: Seputar Dunia #2

Duel Otak: Seputar Dunia
Seputar Dunia

Di wilayah manakah bahasa "old west norse" dipakai pada masa 900-an?
Berikut adalah jawabannya:
- Norwegia & Islandia

Ulasan jawaban:
Old Icelandic was basically identical to Old Norwegian, and together they formed the Old West Norse dialect of Old Norse, which was also spoken in settlements in Ireland, Scotland, the Isle of Man and north-west England, and Norwegian settlements in Normandy. The Old East Norse dialect was spoken in Denmark, Sweden, settlements in Kievan Rus', eastern England, and Danish settlements in Normandy. The Old Gutnish dialect was spoken in Gotland and in various settlements in the East. In the 11th century, Old Norse was the most widely spoken European language, ranging from Vinland in the West to the Volga in the East. In Kievan Rus', it survived the longest in Novgorod, probably lasting into the 13th century there. The age of the Swedish language's presence in Finland is strongly contested (see Swedish-speaking Finns), but at latest by the time of the Second Swedish Crusade in the 13th century, Swedish settlement spread the language into the region